Friday, January 8, 2010

Why do you think we seek the advice of priests or religious men?

aren't we equal in the eyes of God?....i dont understand why people confess to them or why do people say they are more experienced than do you think we seek the advice of priests or religious men?
It is a deception that you can get past the sin in your life by just confessing to God. You need to be accountable to someone on the earth that can hear where you have failed and give advice or a plan of action to help you do better in the future.

The office of priest does not indicate that he is perfect of better than you only that he has taken vows to help you on the path toward God and keep your secrets to himself.Why do you think we seek the advice of priests or religious men?
the bible teaches the value of a multitude of counselors

I ask my pastor stuff all the time

sometimes I just can't see beyond the situation

ultimately though I must do what the Lord leads me to as long as it does not contradict his revealed will as given in the bible.

in other words, I don't have to ask anyone or pray to god asking if I should commit adultery, it's already in there as wrong.

We are to carry one anothers burdens too

Jesus wants us to help each other it's how he decided things should be done.
because they had their mind brainwashed: religious teach to obey.
because some of them knows more spiritual stuff than us
Because instead of being responsible for our own actions we gave the responsibility to someone eles.So we can go on our merry complacent way thinking things are OK.When life goes wrong,loose money,house ,love everything.....we can blame everything but ourselves.All these people do is dress up in cloaks and masks and read from a book.
We are all equally dead without Christ, don't turn to the dead men for life but to the Lord always.
ideally,( i say this because in most cases priests are not really all that *pure*) people would go to priests and religious leaders because they would be so-called ';detached'; from worldly materials and sins. which is why they woudln't marry, have sex or engage in immoral behavior.
We are conditioned to prejudge people. Priests represent what is perceived as good and moral in society so people prejudge them as being good and moral without question. They often consider them as being above other people. This is why pedophile priests find it easy to get access to children because of peoples trusting nature to men of the cloth.
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