Monday, December 21, 2009

I would like chickens that are very friendly, cold weather hardy, and make excellent pets. I seek your advice.

We will be raising them for eggs, but most important to us is temperment and good pets.I would like chickens that are very friendly, cold weather hardy, and make excellent pets. I seek your advice.
For temperatment I would go for any breed of Bantam. They are smaller and really cute!! If you live in a cold area, i would recomend you get a heat lamp-they shouldn't be too expensive.

The eggs they lay are very small but I think they taste great!

If not, take a look at this website to see what breed would suit you most. Lots of information about their behaviour and varieties.

Although this is a site for the UK, it will give you some good ideas about which breeds you would like. You could then begin the search for your perfect pets!!

How to find your chickens:

first way is to look in your local newspaper, look in the poultry or livestock section.

The second way is to go to a farmers market that sell livestock-maybe you could find some information about them while you are there.

The third way is to ask any poultry farmers or anyone who knows any farmers, if they sell some.

You could go to your local farm suppliers if they have any advertised.

contact a poultry club-maybe they could help you out!

you could go to a local show where they show poultry-maybe a breeder could be showing some of his flock!

hope i helped you!I would like chickens that are very friendly, cold weather hardy, and make excellent pets. I seek your advice.
Silkie bantams are friendly and make good AND CUTE! pets! They are not very cold hardy though....
Astralorps, they are big chickens that can handle weather. they are big so can set on a clutch of eggs up to 15. they lay eggs everyday, lay a brown egg. Very beautiful
In my experience, how ';pet-like'; a chicken is is directly related to how much it was handled while it was growing up. It will be unafraid of humans if it has been handled it a lot. Remember, they are birds. It's all dependent on how much human contact they had when growing up. Buff Orpingtons are supposed to be more winter hardy, and more docile. All chickens are descended from jungle fowl and are not genetically made for zero degree temperature. Just make sure your coop is draft proof and well ventilated and they should do fine. If the temperature drops too low you can use drop lamps for extra heat.
The best pets as chickens I can suggest are the brahma breed. They are extremely docile mild tempered bird and my twins still carry them around petting them and they are 10.

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