Monday, December 28, 2009

Is Yahoo Answers a good place to seek medical advice?

I will take a shot, I have this strange almost auburn discharge, it hurts, it smells bad and I am kinda dizzy.

I have also been crying at a lot of little things. Nothing major just little things. Oh and my birthday is in July.Is Yahoo Answers a good place to seek medical advice?
Auburn discharge?

Crying at little things?

Birthday in July? the discharge hurts? Tell it to see a doctor....and it should smell better after having a shower or two.

You must change your birthday to December at once! If you do you will feel much better and get more presents for different occasions.....also it is nice to have a whole month for a BirthDAY.....but it must have been terribly hard for your mother.....Is Yahoo Answers a good place to seek medical advice?
no way man..answers may-be fun and informative..but it would be better to seek help elsewhere
No, and particularly not this category. There is a category Health %26amp; Beauty, but frankly, I think you should see a doctor.
I would say go to

However from what I'm reading go to a good clinic and get the name and Tel# of the last set of people you were sexual active with.
no seek a dr
you can always get advice but never let any type of answer substitute the advice a doctor can give you.
If you've been sexually active with multiple partners try n find out if they have some infection. There could be something major and it may not be so. The best way to go about it is to go to the Out Patient Deptt (OPD) of a nearby hostital and seek help with all relevant details. I'd tell you to have a good cry to get it out of your system but first ask yourself WHY you cry at little things. You can mail me if you like and we can chat then.
I'd say you got your period, but you look awefully male to me.
The crying and the birthday are connected. You are either a Cancer or a Leo...i would cry too.

The discharge might be a problem but only if an anal discharge and only if it tastes as bad as it smells.
It's preferable to go to a doctor than ask here. But it's not because you may not get good advice but you will get a variety of answers and the only way to make sure is by visiting a doctor.

A doctor will be able to ask you alot of valid questions regarding your problem, inspect your lesion / discharge, run tests and therefore come to an accurate diagnosis and treatment option.

The problem with your question is that it's too vague. You didn't mention where this discharge is coming from, how long you've had it. Do you have any associated problems like pain, swelling, redness? Any associated medical diseases like diabetes? On any kind of medication? Experience any trauma to the region? Had a previous infection? Is this the first time you are having this problem or it recurs?

Therefore it's better to ask a doctor as they know best what to ask to reach a diagnosis.

Yahoo answers can only provide you with advice, not the cure.

I would like to help you but I would need a detailed history like any other Dr. would. :)
No, yahoo is not a good place to ask any serious advice
better to go to a doc.Also you may search in kosmix search engine at

dont ask here. or at least, dont listen. just go see a doctor.
well you cant be sure each one has a different opinion why dont you consult a proper doctor
The only thing Yahoo Answers can give you that doctors cannot is Free Advice.

But Free Advice is generally worth the same amount you paid for it.

Doctors are expensive. But they know how to get it right. And if they get it wrong, you can sue them.

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