Depends on the type of advice and the situation, usually I go to my friends because they are objective and don't try to make my decision for me. They give their opinions and don't harp on me about the situation.Would you rather seek advice from a family member or a friend?
from a friend... my family has no idea what the hell they are doing...
family first then you
Combined i guess i would seek my mom and my best friend
A friend.
They tend to know you better.
Family member, my Dad hasn't steered me wrong yet. Even though I haven't always listened.
Both but sometimes a friend is less involved and more candid.
For me it depends on the problem. Each of my friends and family members have their own set of strengths and weaknesses. For example, Mom is a terrific gardener, cook and has great common sense, Dad knows everything about things with wheels, I have friends that are stay at home moms, pa's, computer dudes etc so I direct my question accordingly. Of course if I don't know anyone I come to answers and someone (stranger) always has some great advice. :D
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