Thursday, December 31, 2009

I am seeking advice on changing my workout routine so that I can loose more weight and tone up my body?

I try to follow a workout routine were I start off with 80 to 90 minutes of cardiovascular exercise like spinning, cross-trainer and or stepper. This is followed by weights for an hour involving all the upper body muscle groups. I am trying to loose weight and tone up at the same time but not put on any muscle bulk. How can i change my routine as I think I might have plateaued and am experiencing no weight loss on the scales. Is doing the weights first followed by the CV workout a good approach? Any and all advice is welcome.I am seeking advice on changing my workout routine so that I can loose more weight and tone up my body?
You have to vary your routine. Your body gets accustomed to doing the same thing on a daily basis so changing it up and adding some different exercises will really help. Or you could try bumping up the intesity of your routine.I am seeking advice on changing my workout routine so that I can loose more weight and tone up my body?
For one you are over training, and your diet probably needs a little work too. I would recommend not doing more than one body part a day and train every other day, your body needs rest. make sure your getting in plenty of water and protein. your gonna need to supplement protein get a good one like myogynix evo or ISO flex by allmax nutrition. As far as your training routine arms should be done with shoulders, back alone, chest alone legs alone. abs every other day and cardio every day after your resistance training ( weights ). stay off the stair, it makes your legs bigger.... at least until u get where u want to be.... follow this and I guaranty u will see results in at least 2 weeks.... One more thing, stay off the scale, use the mirror. You should not get on the scale except about every 2 weeks........this will stop any discouragements from happening. remember, muscle weighs more than fat so look at everything else not what the scale reads.
You are going at it backasswards. Weight train for 45 to 60 minutes then follow it up with 20 to 30 minutes of cardio.
You're cardio work out seems fine. Cardio is good because its burning calories/fat.

When doing your weight training:

- lower the amount of weights, and increase the amount of reps (usually double)

- Work both the lower and upper portions of the body

You might not notice a weight loss because you're replacing the fat with muscle, which happened to me. Weight isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's body fat is what you have to worry about.
If your wanting to get serious about weight lifting and trying to lose some weight at the same time. I would recommend the Ultimate Diet 2.0. I have been waiting to get on it but you have to be less than 15% body fat or it could cause horrible problems for you. Possibly work on your legs once a week with lifting. Your thighs could use the work out.

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